- 獨立處理屋苑一切保安管理事宜
- 負責保安及清潔監督
- 負責屋苑之客戶服務工作
- Able to work independently
- Responsible for security and cleaning management;
- Handle customers' complaint and enquiries;
- 完成中五或中學文憑試或資歷架構同等學歷
- 3年保安督導相關經驗
- 有良好個人品格及溝通技巧
- 持有保安人員許可證及認可保安培訓證書
- Completion of HKCEE or HKDSE examination;
- Minimum 5 years of experience in property management of which at least 2 years in supervisory capacity
- With good interpersonal and communication skill;
- Holder of valid Security Personnel Permit (SGSIA Recognized Training Course Certificate under Quality Assurance System Compliance), & Construction Industry
Safety Training Certificate.
員工福利包括慶生假、侍產假、全勤假、育嬰奶粉津貼、培訓津貼、醫療津貼及其他特別有薪假期等。申請者可經Whatsapp 9867-8306 申請或將個人履歷表傳真至 2321-9512或直接致電2534-4307。
歡迎到訪公司網站 www.hy.com.hk 了解更多。
Our fringe benefits include birthday leave, paternity leave, full attendance leave, newborn baby allowance, training allowance, medical allowance and other special leave. Please send message via Whatsapp 9867-8306 OR by fax number 2321-9512 OR call 2534-4307 directly.
All information received will be kept in the strictest confidentiality and only for employment-related purposes within our affiliates.
You are most welcomed to visit our website www.hy.com.hk.